Anony: If you don't mind, in what year and in which state did your circumstance occur?
Justitia Themis
JoinedPosts by Justitia Themis
Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.
by Balaamsass inwithout fanfare, jehovahs witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusionstom blackwell, national post staff | dec 20, 2012 9:59 pm et.
more from national post staff.
calgary herald/fileslawrence hughes broke with the witnesses, and the rest of his own family, when it tried to prevent his teenage daughter, bethany, who died in 2002, from receiving a blood transfusion while being treated for cancer.twittergoogle+linkedinemailcommentsmoretumblrpinterestredditdiggfarkitstumbleuponfor years, the jehovahs witnesses fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to gods will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.. that long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be vanishing, however, amid changing approaches to the issue on both sides, health-care officials say.. the churchs ban on accepting blood still stands, but some major pediatric hospitals have begun officially acknowledging the parents unorthodox beliefs, while many jehovahs witnesses are signing letters recognizing that doctors may sometimes feel obliged to transfuse, they say.. as institutions show more respect toward parents faith and try harder not to use blood, witnesses often seem eager to avoid involving child-welfare authorities to facilitate transfusions, and more accepting that canadian case law is firmly on the doctors side, some hospital officials say.. they get it that were going to transfuse where its medically necessary.
Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.
by Balaamsass inwithout fanfare, jehovahs witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusionstom blackwell, national post staff | dec 20, 2012 9:59 pm et.
more from national post staff.
calgary herald/fileslawrence hughes broke with the witnesses, and the rest of his own family, when it tried to prevent his teenage daughter, bethany, who died in 2002, from receiving a blood transfusion while being treated for cancer.twittergoogle+linkedinemailcommentsmoretumblrpinterestredditdiggfarkitstumbleuponfor years, the jehovahs witnesses fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to gods will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.. that long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be vanishing, however, amid changing approaches to the issue on both sides, health-care officials say.. the churchs ban on accepting blood still stands, but some major pediatric hospitals have begun officially acknowledging the parents unorthodox beliefs, while many jehovahs witnesses are signing letters recognizing that doctors may sometimes feel obliged to transfuse, they say.. as institutions show more respect toward parents faith and try harder not to use blood, witnesses often seem eager to avoid involving child-welfare authorities to facilitate transfusions, and more accepting that canadian case law is firmly on the doctors side, some hospital officials say.. they get it that were going to transfuse where its medically necessary.
Justitia Themis
Final prayer after fieldservice today.
by El_Guapo inhi guys,.
i was asked to give final prayer today after the field service meeting.
i asked for jah to bless and comfort the families of the newtown, ct massacre.
Justitia Themis
2.) you offer a prayer unlike anything you have ever said.
It certainly reflects badly upon JWs that one of the ways in which an elder can sense that someone is allegedly turning apostate is that his prayers become more generous and inclusive.
What was the worst thing an "elder" ever did to you ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inthe worst thing an "elder" ever did to me was in 2008. i was in one congregation, but i wanted to return to my home congregation because i've been reproved there twice ( once private and the last one public ).
when i came into this congregation in 2007 i thought i was going to move up the food chain ( this congregation was full of older people, so i thought i would move up faster ).
but i got into some trouble in the congregation.
Justitia Themis
Thanks Balsam and Flipper, but it doesn't really bother me any longer. It was a long time ago, and I have moved so far past it that I rarely think about it unless I visit this site.
I posted it mostly to put things in perspective. When I was "in," "brothers" who complained about not being made a servant particularly irritated me. LOL! I would think, "Really?! That's the worst thing that has happened to you in the Org.?!"
What was the worst thing an "elder" ever did to you ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inthe worst thing an "elder" ever did to me was in 2008. i was in one congregation, but i wanted to return to my home congregation because i've been reproved there twice ( once private and the last one public ).
when i came into this congregation in 2007 i thought i was going to move up the food chain ( this congregation was full of older people, so i thought i would move up faster ).
but i got into some trouble in the congregation.
Justitia Themis
Sexual molestation.
Just Because Someone Is A JW "Apologist", It Doesn't Mean WE Have To Be Condescending & Nasty
by minimus ini know certain apologists might rub us the wrong way, but let's not treat them like their pieces of sh*t.. and i know certain posters might rub us the wrong way, but let's not be so quick to beat everybody down that's not of our same reasoning.. just saying..
Justitia Themis
Good post M. I was still "in" and had no intention of leaving when I first arrived on this DB.
I have become a return visit!
by pajaha injust for background, i da'd 12 years ago and i'm now an atheist/agnostic.. i normally avoid answering to the jws (i can usually tell it's them because i hear two sets of incredibly moving footsteps coming up the stairs to my flat) or they do a quick "magazine presentation" and then they're off.
on one occasion a few weeks ago i answered and the guy seemed up for a discussion.
i said i was an atheist, a lengthy discussion ensued and he "placed" a creation /evolution leaflet with me.. i was expecting a call and, after avoiding them a few times, i finally answered.
Justitia Themis
This was his THIRD visit? I believe you qualify as a 'study' now. Isn't it from the third visit on that a person is a study, even if you just stand at the door, i.e., door-step study?
and he "placed" a creation /evolution leaflet with me.
If you want to make it interesting, show him the devious mis-quotes in the creation book or leaflet he left with you. Tell him you were simply making an honest appraisal of his church's information, and that you are shocked at the church's academic dishonesty. Then show him the differences in the quotes, and how they purposefully lead the reader to incorrect conclusions, and make him defend them.
Conti v Watchtower - Court Denies Watchtower Motion re: Substituting Bond - November 16 court documents in pdf
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the latest court documents, in pdf, relating to "candace conti v the watchtower bible and tract society of new york" as filed on november 16, 2012.. the watchtower society motion to substitute or reduce bond on appeal is denied..
Justitia Themis
The WTS does indeed consider their chance of winning on appeal to be good, but not for the reasons you think.
It's because they really do believe that God's got their back, and that they have the moral high ground.
Good news all around, but the above comment caught my eye. I wonder about the WTS's motivations too. Is it that it has bought into its own press and think God's on its side? Is it because the legal decision-makers hate that they have lost to Ms. Conti and are now just trying to jerk her around? A little bit of both? ...guess we'll never know the whole picture.
Justitia Themis
Why am I worth your time 144,001?
Justitia Themis
i JT, Was you trying to hit 'two birds with one stone'? Scott77
I'm sorry Scott. I don't understand your post. If you are asking if I was targeting you, the answer is no. I was just posting a recent and convenient example of where 144,001 has told someone to stop making personal attacks. If I am misunderstanding the post, let me know, and I will try to clear things up.
BTW, I am going to have to disagree with you about posting case law and secondary sources. I believe there are many capable and talented people on this board (Ann O'Malley for one) who could take the citations I post and do quite a bit of research with them, especially with the help of a law librarian.